Monday, July 9, 2007

Be the one to handle with "digital natives"

How many of us are afraid of handling this situation?
Most of us started to learn MS office around 25-35 years old .
I "heard" MS PowerPoint at my age of 23.
On the other hand, let's take a look around our young kids, they know how to use MS word in the elementary level, and they are familiar with MS PPT in Junior high school. Some of the senior high students even know how to use Dreamweaver/Mozilla to build up a website.

How about us??

Never never too late~~

Blog is one of the best tool that we can catch up on them!!
Blog provides publishing post, sharing photos, music, and video clips.
Not that all, we can leave our comments of a photo, a post, or a music.
And we can response and be responded.

Think about that, we can create our lesson plans and syllabus on our blog.
Also, the preview, class discussions and after class discussions can be posted on our blog.
Students have to leave their comments on each of the follow up posts, and also need to publish their own opinions on their own blogs! It's just like what we are doing now!

Furthermore, the class subjects could be various presentations. For example, videoing a clip for introducing a musician, a weather, a season, a bug, an animal and so on. Or recording a sound, a voice, a song of group members. Or a group of people video a short clip for their own presentation.

Once we become a master of blog!
We are no longer afraid of handling our digital native kids. We are going to lead them to a path of learning. Also we will share and grow up our digital knowledge with our kids!

1 comment:

mike_rivera said...

I agree with you Peiwen. It is never too late, and the more comfortable we are, the more likely we are to use the tools. Like everything else, the kids are always ahead of us. But, with time and experience we see most of the potentials for disaster in the classroom.